Thoughtfully Appointed Guestrooms

Snacky basket
Thanks so much for all the great ideas on how to set up a guest room to be extra welcoming and comfortable for folks who are visiting you during the holidays (or any time!)

I put together a couple of goodie baskets based on your recommendations. The first is a food basket with bottled water, chocolate bars and bags of snacky things such as banana chips, trail mix, corn nuts, and salted peanuts. I plan to feed him extra well while he's here, but he's on vacation after all.

Toiletries basket
I put this basket on the bathroom counter. It has all the toiletries I could think of that he might use while here. Tooth care items, a shower sponge, bath wash, shaving cream, deodorant, and Advil. 

I plan to put out extra towels and of course tissue and toilet paper. I ordered a luggage rack so he can conveniently leave his suitcase open. I cleaned everything from top to bottom and think the space will be as welcoming as can be when he gets here.

The weather in Dublin is clear, as it is in San Francisco, so hopefully, there won't be any issues with the flight.

Let's get this party started!!!

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