News — Food
Smart solutions for women to feel and look fabulous with the help of mom-friendly diet and exercise tips.
Diets Fitness Food Health Vitamins

I've written a lot posts about fighting the good fight when it comes to diet and fitness. I don't think we have to be less fabulous--inside or out--as we age. As time marches on, we have to be proactive about our health. That means making smart food decisions and NOT letting weight creep on over time. I've come up with some smart solutions for women to feel and look fabulous. Related: Fitness jump rope challenge Smarter Diet Tips for Busy Moms Years ago I shared my 10 tips for losing weight after the kids arrive. It was a popular post and...
45 Foods to Eat in Japan: Guide to Japanese Cuisine

We love food. Sometimes I think we love it a little too much. And as we were planning our second trip to Japan, one of the things I was most excited about doing was eating as much Japanese food as I could! But let’s back up… Before our first trip to Japan, our experience with Japanese cuisine was limited, to say the least. We’d had lots of sushi and miso soup over the years, but that was pretty much the extent of it. When we arrived, we were overwhelmed by all of the options. Pair that with menus that had...