19 Things You Never Knew You Could Clean In Your Dishwasher

There’s a quick and easy way to clean some of the smaller items around your house, and it’s one you may not have considered before: cleaning things in your dishwasher! Because much like your washing machine, your dishwasher is capable of cleaning more than its name suggests. To show you just how versatile this particular cleaning machine can be, today we’ll be exploring 19 different things you can clean in your dishwasher. Keeping those smaller things clean just got a whole lot easier! Related: 18 Unexpected Things You Can Clean In Your Washing Machine Learn how to clean your INSTANT...
How to Declutter a House to Sell: 10 Key Rooms and Spaces

After years of living in the same house, things might have become a bit…cluttered. The baby swing your eight-year-old won’t use again, the broken table you meant to fix, or closets overstuffed with clothes you haven’t worn in years. All of that is perfectly fine — why have a home if not to live in it? — until it comes time to sell. Now you may be asking, do I need to declutter to sell my house? Decluttering your house can pay off — in both a higher sales price and fewer days on the market. Top real estate agent...
The Posting

Editor’s Note: Read an interview with Sara Freeman about her writing process. Everything overheard in those days. German on the streets, my mother and my father on the phone. They’re only children. My mother, Philip, and I: three bodies stuck inside the bright-yellow cage of a phone booth. He was in Bosnia on assignment. Assigned to what? We didn’t know. We were only children. We knew far away; we knew war-torn; we knew 10 days, maybe two weeks, maybe more. We knew we had moved to Berlin earlier that summer and turned a page we could no longer turn back.The...
House Tour: Our Laundry Room

It’s been six months since we moved into our new home and I’m finally getting around to sharing more focused home content with you guys. This has been, without a doubt, the content I’ve received the most requests to see on this blog ever since I shared the news that we were building a home nearly two years ago. We poured so much time, effort and love into building our home over the past few years and even though I’m not even close to an interior designer or an expert in the “home” space, it’s something that brought me a...
The Dirtiest Things In Your Kitchen, And How To Clean Them

Which is the cleaner room in your living space — the kitchen or the bathroom? Often, the bathroom is the more sanitary spot. “Thekitchen sink typically has more germs than a toilet,” saidBecky Rapinchuk, a cleaning expert known as Clean Mama.While most people stow food in the fridge and give at least a halfhearted wipe to counters, Rapinchuk said most kitchens she’s encountered “aren’t thoroughly cleaned”. You’re in good company. We talked to experts about smart ways to tackle some of the germiest, grimiest parts of your home. They told us what to clean, how often you need to clean...