News — Fitness
Smart solutions for women to feel and look fabulous with the help of mom-friendly diet and exercise tips.
Diets Fitness Food Health Vitamins

I've written a lot posts about fighting the good fight when it comes to diet and fitness. I don't think we have to be less fabulous--inside or out--as we age. As time marches on, we have to be proactive about our health. That means making smart food decisions and NOT letting weight creep on over time. I've come up with some smart solutions for women to feel and look fabulous. Related: Fitness jump rope challenge Smarter Diet Tips for Busy Moms Years ago I shared my 10 tips for losing weight after the kids arrive. It was a popular post and...
I think we can all agree that cleaning your workout equipment well is more important now than it’s ever been and today I’m sharing how to clean your yoga mat at home! I’ve always been a stickler for bringing my own yoga mat when I’m going to a yoga...

I don’t like the idea of using the gym’s mat right after another person who sweats a lot. (And I’m also picky since my hands tend to slide on most mats!) This is especially true when practicing hot yoga, since we all sweat a lot in those classes! But even though I always bring my own mat, I’ve been kind of clueless about the best way to clean it. At the yoga studio, I’d wipe it down with whatever spray the studio had, but now that I’m using it at home, I haven’t been as diligent about it. I thought...